The Wakeful Body — Lama Willa’s new book!

The Wakeful Body — Lama Willa’s new book!

Congratulations to Lama Willa on the publication of her book:

The Wakeful Body: Somatic Mindfulness as a Path to Freedom
By Willa Blythe Baker
Forward by Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Shambhala Publications, 11/23/2021, 208 pages, ISBN 9781611808742

To learn more and celebrate this achievement, please join us for:

The Wakeful Body: A Book Release Event

Dharma Sunday, November 21, 10:00 am–12:00 pm ET
with Lama Willa and Lama Liz Monson

Come celebrate the release of Lama Willa’s much anticipated new book The Wakeful Body: Somatic Mindfulness as a Path to Freedom. In this new book, the culmination of her recent teachings on the intersection of body, breath, energy, and awareness, Lama Willa shares her heart advice on how to awaken in this life by attending to the “constant teacher,” namely your own body. This hybrid (onsite and online) event will feature the author sharing her personal reflections on the writing process, a guided meditation, readings from the book, questions from the audience, and a book signing*.  Attendance at the In Person event is limited to 40 and advance registration is required, so if you are interested, sign up now.

To register:

IN PERSON Dharma Sunday, November 21, at Wonderwell Mountain Refuge

LIVE ONLINE Dharma Sunday, November 21, via Zoom

The book is not out yet, but you can pre-order through Shambhala Publications.
*We have received some advance copies from the publisher that will be available for sale at the In Person Dharma Sunday event at Wonderwell

From the Introduction

I have come to think of the yogic Buddhist path not as a path of waking up but as a path of “waking down.” Waking down does not mean just shifting attention to the area below your neck. It means exploring the wisdom of your embodied experience, from the physical to the sensory, from the sensory to the emotional, from the emotional to the energetic, from the energetic to the conscious. It is about exploring the sacred world of feeling, breath, and sensation that is already present.

From the Foreword by Tsoknyi Rinpoche

This book has a natural, almost familiar feel because it comes out of [Willa’s] lived experience and her ability to weave stories, poetry, striking images, and helpful insights into a lovely mandala for us to enter. At the same time, Lama Willa provides a clear path, a rich practice that dharma students at all levels can use on a daily basis or retreat. In a very practical way, she leads us through what she calls “layers of embodiment,” the seamless interdependence of our bodies, energy body, and minds so we can open to the mystery of our own lives.

Praise for the Book

“This remarkable book brings the body into clear focus as a medium of awakening.” —Roshi Joan Halifax, abbot, Upaya Zen Center

The Wakeful Body is a wisdom treasure bringing forth the insights, life stories, hidden teachings, and practice pathways on how to tend the ‘agriculture of the soul,’ including knots, entanglements, and uprooting embodied suffering toward liberation and integration. Lama Willa’s experience and collection of teachings on the power of flow, dance, and movement practices in Tibetan Buddhist traditions is a rare treasure offered by a pioneering teacher with great benefit to all. Emaho! A classic is born for future generations.” —Shiva Rea, founder of Samudra Global School of Living Yoga and author of Tending the Heart Fire

“The human body is a sacred form full of potential. This book lays out rich and practical guidance to utilize it as a doorway to healing and spiritual awakening.” —Anam Thubten, author of Choosing Compassion

Read more endorsements here.


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