The Wakeful Body (Online Course)

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The Wakeful Body (Online Course)

Lama Willa Blythe Baker
February 26, 2025 - April 7, 2025

Six-week course: Mondays and Wednesdays

Teachings on Wednesdays 5:00 – 6:30 pm ET 
Yoga on Mondays 5:00 – 6:00 pm ET 

Movement with Laura Sicari

Explore how the body is the key not only to a fruitful meditation practice, but to an easeful life. During this live, experiential online course, we will pay special attention to becoming more embodied in our daily life through practical exercises, movement, meditation and ways of understanding. Lama Willa Baker will guide us in learning from her popular book The Wakeful Body.

Many of us have a complicated relationship with the body. In its vulnerability to aging and illness, we tend to think of our body in ordinary or even pejorative terms. Yet many meditation masters of the past have taught that the body is a temple, a mandala, a profound source of wisdom. How do we reconcile these two perspectives?

In this course, we will explore the body as a domain of practice and wisdom, diving deep into the physical, energetic and cognizant dimensions of experience. Through dharma instruction, contemplative movement and study, we will learn how to bring awakening from the realm of ideas into the truth of embodiment.

Join Lama Willa to:

  • Explore the path of somatic mindfulness
  • Learn specific tools for navigating embodied experience and practice
  • Develop an ongoing practice of integrating principles of wisdom and compassion into the body and nervous system
  • Practice yoga and meditation in community
  • Become more embodied in daily life

Course includes:

Weekly Teaching and Guided Meditation with Lama Willa on Wednesdays (1.5 hours), with occasional Q&A and meetings with peers.

Weekly gentle Yoga Practice with Laura Sicari on Mondays (1 hour) to work on integrating the course themes into a practice of movement.

Lama Willa encourages participants to commit to a daily practice (a minimum of 15 minutes per day) for the six-week duration of this course.

Resources include:

  • Course Syllabus with weekly reading assignments from The Wakeful Body: Somatic Mindfulness as a Path to Freedom (Shambhala Publications 2022)
  • Bibliography for further exploration of embodied practice
  • Guided Meditations (pre-recorded), available on SoundCloud
  • Exclusive access to professionally mastered yoga videos featuring Vajra Vinyasa Yoga, movement practices that accompany the meditations in the The Wakeful Body. Watch and learn from Lama Willa on demand throughout the six weeks.

Required Course Resources (for use during the course):

Meditation and movement practices are suitable for all levels of experience.

Natural Dharma Fellowship Full Calendar


Live Online only. Mondays and Wednesday from Feb. 26 to April 7, 2025.


Please see the paragraph titled Program Cost for an explanation of the fee structure for this retreat.

  • $309 - May All Beings Benefit!
  • $259 - The Middle Way
  • $149 - Held in Sangha Loving-KIndness

If paying a particular tier is an obstacle, you can access immediate financial aid. Start by selecting a payment tier, and then please refer to the discount codes at the end of Section 2.

Full access to all recordings and retreat materials through your user account.

Register Here

About the Teachers

Lama Willa Blythe Baker

Lama, Founding Teacher, Spiritual Co-Director
View Profile

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