This weeklong retreat will focus on transformative practices that allow us to directly access the love and wisdom that are the very fabric of our deepest nature. Teachings and practices will enable participants to mature their relationship to their own awakened capacities. In particular, the retreat will emphasize ways to become receptive to the unconditioned openness, love, compassion, and wisdom of our inner being by participating in a field of unconditional love for self and others.
Because parts of us may unconsciously prevent us from opening fully to our awakened qualities, we will practice relaxing into the naturally compassionate and healing powers of our own essential nature. As a result, our Buddha nature can increasingly manifest of itself, unfolding powers of wise discernment and loving responsiveness in action.
[note] — I would include this one sentence below in the description. It’s not too rooted in time to include.
The retreat includes meditation sessions, teachings, yoga led by Matt Fritts, and time for rest and reflection.
[note] — the list below is part of instructions that would need to be deleted before going live.
- connect Group after creating new group for resource
- confirm “Associated Content” matches linked resources
- remove this content and replace with description from live Schedule page on website