Cancelled – Embodying the Bodhisattva: Exploring Social Justice, Somatics and Meditation (Hybrid)

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Cancelled – Embodying the Bodhisattva: Exploring Social Justice, Somatics and Meditation (Hybrid)

May 14, 2024 - May 19, 2024

We are sorry that we have had to cancel this retreat!

This retreat will explore how personal and collective somatic practices and meditation allow us to come into alignment with our deepest aspirations and values. As a result, we learn to embody ways of being and acting that support not only our individual healing and growth, but also the transformative potential of our collective action in the world. Embodied transformation as a path toward collective liberation.

A Bodhisattva is a being who is committed to the liberation of all beings, including their own. What would it mean to truly awaken to and embody our innate potential as Bodhisattvas in this beautiful and terrible world?

How would it feel to engage in actions of body, speech, thought and relationship that create personal transformation, while also joining with others for collective liberation? What would it look like to engage practices that can both heal our personal traumas, and contribute to the liberation of all beings?

This combination of the personal and the collective can serve a systemic transformation that uplifts the equity of all beings, creates climate justice and helps humans harmonize ourselves with the rest of life.

If you are curious about how to merge the path of personal awakening with embodied action for racial justice, gender equity, climate healing, and collective liberation, this retreat is for you. Join Lama Liz Monson and somatics innovator, Staci K. Haines, as we explore intersections between the way of the Bodhisattva and embodied transformation, and social and climate justice work.

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