Rewilding Vernal Equinox Celebration 2025 (Online)

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Rewilding Vernal Equinox Celebration 2025 (Online)

Lama Willa Blythe Baker, Lama Liz Monson
March 20, 2025

7:00 – 8:30 pm ET

Hosted by Hildur Palsdottir and Karen Kharitonov

All are welcome to celebrate the Spring Equinox with us! If you are registered for the Rewilding the Soul series, you do not need to register separately for the Equinox and Solstice events.

Join the ecodharma sangha of Natural Dharma Fellowship as we lean into the truths that we know, finding soulful kinship with the earth, developing circles of trusted support and learning to embody noble care for the benefit of the planet.

What does it mean to be human in these times, when the sky, wind, air, rivers, oceans, soil, rains, trees, plants and animals seem to be asking us to remember? When our bodies are asking?

Our online, community-led Vernal Equinox Celebration — the launch of our Rewilding the Soul 2025 Monthly Series —  will offer time to explore these questions together through reflections from Lama Liz and Lama Willa, guided meditation, live music, poetry, ritual and celebration of the rebirth and resilience that the season of spring embodies.

Please join us to:

  • Gather in community to reflect, meditate, grieve and celebrate
  • Engage an ecosattva path alive to possibilities emerging from deep presence
  • Welcome the gifts of the natural world at this moment of becoming

Participants are encouraged to come to this gathering ready to construct a “wild altar” as part of our online ritual practice. The wild altar might include plants, photos, stones, shells and other reminders of nature’s bounty. Also consider having a candle, fragrant plant (local to your area) and incense (or an essential oil with diffuser).

Suitable for all levels.

Zoom Link

The Zoom link will be sent several days before the retreat to all those registered by then. If you register after that date, you’ll receive the link with your confirmation email shortly after submitting your registration. If you don’t see an email from Natural Dharma Registrar or Wonderwell Mountain Refuge, it may have mistakenly gone to your spam folder or to Promotions or Updates in Gmail.

Important: Please put these this email address in your Contact or Safe-Send list to make sure you receive our emails:

Program Cost

Our program fees provide essential support to our non-profit operations and NDF’s mission to spread the Dharma in accessible, relevant, and creative ways. Our goal is that no one misses out on our events due to lack of funds. Thanks to our generous donors, we are able to offer tiered pricing and additional support to fit varied financial situations: 

  • May All Beings Benefit! *– supporting access for all and general support for NDF operations
  • A Middle Way – covering the base cost
  • Held in Sangha Loving-kindness – offering ease when financial resources are limiting

If the lowest cost tier creates an obstacle to your attendance, please see our financial support options on the registration page. The process is simple and does not require extensive information. Financial aid is immediately approved using discount code options that allow you to contribute the most you are able while honoring your particular resources.

* The difference between the May All Beings Benefit! tier and the Middle Way tier will be considered a tax-deductible donation and will be acknowledged as such in writing. Contributing at this level helps us offer financial aid to other participants. Thank you!!

Access to Recordings

NDF offers unlimited access to recordings, which are accessed in your user dashboard (more information about user accounts provided in a pre-retreat letter). If you have a user account, please register with the same email you use to log into your dashboard. If not, an account will be created for you using your registration address.

Availability will vary depending on the type of event and the backlog for our precious resource volunteers. Thank you for your patience.

Natural Dharma Fellowship Full Calendar



March 20, 2025, 7:00-8:30 pm ET. You can use this time zone converter to determine the start time at your home.


Full access to recordings and retreat materials through your dashboard.

Register Here

About the Teachers

Lama Willa Blythe Baker

Lama, Founding Teacher, Spiritual Co-Director
View Profile

Lama Liz Monson

Lama, Managing Teacher, Spiritual Co-Director
View Profile

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