Register for The Six Bardos: Living and Dying and Green Tara Empowerment (Online)

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Register for The Six Bardos: Living and Dying and Green Tara Empowerment (Online)

Lama Gursam
November 22, 2024 - November 24, 2024

This is the ONLINE component of the retreat. If you’d like to register for the RESIDENTIAL component, please click here

Clinging to life in the face of our own and other’s dying process can be a great source of suffering. Understanding the six bardos deepens our awareness of our nature as sentient beings and develops our knowledge about living and dying. In this way, we have more love and compassion towards self and others, recognize our true nature, and face the dying process with greater ease.

At the conclusion of the teachings, Yogi Lama Gursam will give a Green Tara Empowerment. Green Tara is an enlightened female deity. Receiving her blessings is a sacred medicine for fear and source of accomplishment towards our desire to liberate sentient beings from suffering.

Katie Fabac, Lama Gursam’s assistant, will be leading Meditation and Movement Practices.

Supplemental reading (you do not need to bring a copy):

  • The Tibetan Book of the Dead
  • The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.

Typical Retreat Schedule

(All times are Eastern time zone)

  • First Day — Opening session begins around 7:00 pm. (see Residential info for check-in times)
  • Full-Day Schedule — Morning meditation 7:00 am; Breakfast break 8:30-10:00 am; Lunch break 12:00-2:00 pm; Dinner break 5:30-7:00 pm. Evening session: 7:00- 8:30 pm.
  • Last Day — The closing session typically ends by 12:00 pm.

These times are just for reference. An expanded schedule will be provided in pre-retreat information emailed during the week prior to the event.

Zoom Link

The Zoom link will be sent several days before the retreat to all those registered by then. If you register after that date, you’ll receive the link with your confirmation email shortly after submitting your registration. If you don’t see an email from Natural Dharma Registrar or Wonderwell Mountain Refuge, it may have mistakenly gone to your spam folder or to Promotions or Updates in Gmail.

Important: Please put these this email address in your Contact or Safe-Send list to make sure you receive our emails:

Program Cost

It is Natural Dharma Fellowship’s aspiration that no one be turned away from our teachings and retreats because they are unable to pay the full price. In order make our offerings affordable for all who wish to attend, we offer a three-level fee structure:

  • May All Beings Benefit! – supporting access for all and assisting with the care and maintenance of Wonderwell Mountain Refuge
  • A Middle Way – covering the base cost
  • Held in Sangha Loving-kindness – offering ease when financial resources are limiting

Our pricing options are based primarily on the length and type of an event and are intended to give you an idea of the costs involved. The amounts listed are suggestions. You may write in any amount that fits your financial situation. Any amount offered above the Middle Way level will be considered a tax-deductible donation and will be acknowledged as such in writing.

Access to Recordings

NDF offers unlimited access to recordings for registrants. These are accessed through your user dashboard (information about user accounts will be shared in the pre-retreat letter).

Availability will vary depending on the type of event and the backlog for our precious resource volunteers. Thank you for your patience.

Wonderwell Mountain Refuge Full Calendar


Nov. 22-24, 2024. The retreat will begin at 7:00 pm ET on Friday, Nov. 22 and end at approximately noon on Sunday, Nov. 24. A detailed schedule will be available closer to the time of the retreat. You can use this time zone converter to determine the start time at your home.


Please see the paragraph titled Program Cost for an explanation of the fee structure for this retreat.

  • May All Beings Benefit!: $216
  • A Middle Way: $166
  • Held in Sangha Loving-KIndness: $116

Register Here

About the Teachers

Lama Gursam

Visiting Teacher
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