The Forgotten Power of Awareness (2024)

The Forgotten Power of Awareness (2024)

· June 17, 2024

Awareness is the source of everything.
It is everything.
It is a very part of everything.
And it is beyond everything.
It is not anything, yet it is not nothing.
It’s not a thing, yet still very much is.
That is why, in one way or another, the awareness is the main practice.
We try to clarify or realize the awareness –
that which we already are, the unborn, unmade awareness.

Join yogi Brendan Kennedy in a hands-on exploration of the nature of Awareness. Brendan’s meditation instructions and teachings are accessible and powerfully transformative for deepening our practice and exploring our innermost nature.

Brendan’s retreats are based on experiential learning to decondition the mind so it can start to be what it is; so it can start to be itself. Through practicing and clarifying together, Brendan guides us to look at what gets in the way of being who we truly are. This approach supports each of us toward freedom and from the trappings of ego.

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Resource Includes

  • 1 Lesson

Manifesting Our Mandala

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