Seven Points of Mind Training (Heart Cultivation II)

Seven Points of Mind Training (Heart Cultivation II)

· February 10, 2021

Join Lama Gursam and Lama Willa in an ongoing in-depth study of one of the most important texts of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition: Geshe Chekawa’s Seven Points of Heart Cultivation (also known as “mind training”). A core teaching in the lineage of the Bengali meditation master Atisha (982-1054 ACE), this classic text lays out the path of meeting difficult conditions with grace and transforming agitation, fear, and anguish into compassion. It is often referred to as the teaching that transforms poison into nectar.

The first part of this three-part series took place in December of 2020 and was offered in response to the global pandemic in which we are collectively enmired because heart cultivation offers profound and counter-intuitive skills for resilience. The December series will be available by audio for registrants who did not attend that retreat, in preparation for the February weekend retreat.

While the first weekend was taught by Lama Gursam (translated by Lama Willa), this weekend and the third session will be co-taught by both Lamas.

You may also want to take a look at some additional recommended resources:

The Great Path of Awakening by Jamgon Kongtrul, Shambala Classics, Boston, 2005.

Enlightened Courage by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Snow Lion, Ithaca, New York, 2006.


Feb 12-14, 2021
Pre-retreat Letter Heart Cultivation (Seven Points of Mind Training II)
Online Resources
Recommended Reading
  • The Great Path of Awakening by Jamgon Kongtrul, Shambala Classics, Boston, 2005.
  • Enlightened Courage by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Snow Lion, Ithaca, New York, 2006.
Zoom Details

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Topic: Lojong 2 - Lama Willa and Lama Gursam Feb 12-14, 2021
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Resource Includes

  • 3 Lessons

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