A year-long series of conversations sponsored by Natural Dharma Fellowship
Anthropocene: /ˈanTHrəpəˌsēn/ “The geologic period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.”
We live in unprecedented times; human activities have altered the climate and disrupted ecosystems, threatening life on Earth as we know it.
How shall we conduct ourselves within a changing climate and world? How do we listen deeply, and find our way from here? How might the dharma and the natural world serve as teachers and guides?
In 2022, the Dharma Dialogues will focus on these important questions. We have brought together some of the founding luminaries of the mindfulness-informed eco-activist movement for a yearlong series of deep dialogues on these issues. Join us for a series of monthly conversations about our experience of and engagement with the global ecological crisis from a Buddhist perspective.
Discussions and Exploration:
- How to expand our inner resources to adapt to the consequences of a changing climate
- Interdependence, indigenous ways of knowing, and reciprocity as spiritual practices
- Climate justice and active hope
- Mindfulness and compassion practices as a skill set for preventing further harm
- Creativity and curiosity as resources for changing behavior
- How to dissolve the divide between “contemplative ways of knowing” and “activism”
- Directly experiencing the natural world as a means to reestablish our deep interconnectedness with our ecosystems
- Exploring the deep power of community as an arena within which to find connection, support, insight, and resilience
Jan. 30 Joanna Macy interviewed by Lama Willa Blythe Baker
Feb. 20 Kaira Jewel interviewed by Lama Liz Monson
March 27 Sensei Kritee Kanko interviewed by Lama Willa Blythe Baker
April 17 Venerable Bikkhu Bodhi interviewed by Lama Liz Monson
May 22 Council on the Uncertain Human Future facilitated by Sarah Buie
June 26 Stephanie Kaza interviewed by Sarah Buie
July 31 Kristin Barker interviewed by Hildur Palsdottir
Aug. 28 Kaia Svien interviewed by Hildur Palsdottir
Sept. 25 Dekila Chungyalpa and Thanissara were interviewed by Hildur Palsdottir
Oct. 19 & 30 Susan Murphy interviewed by Sarah Buie (live on 10/19; replay on 10/30)
Nov. 27 Mark Coleman interviewed by Lama Willa Blythe Baker
Dec. 18 Susie Harrington interviewed by Lama Willa Blythe Baker
Dharma Dialogues - Main Resource Document
Additional Resources for the entire Ecosattva Series 2022 include:
- Online Resources
- Books & Publications
- Lectures & Teachings
- Other recommendations
- Quotes from the session
Access files from sessions
NOTE: If links are not present for a given month, files are not available.