Brendan Kennedy Retreat (2022)

Brendan Kennedy Retreat (2022)

· May 23, 2022

Awareness, or mind itself, is totally perfect and complete, as stated by Longchenpa. So, if that’s the case, how can we become the mind or awareness itself? By simply being the mind or awareness not as anything whatsoever, it will start to become itself.  This retreat explores the practices that will prevent the mind from becoming something or anything. The mind being something automatically prevents the mind from being itself. That’s why we need the practice which prevents the mind or awareness from becoming something.

In the practice of Non-Focusing, the mind automatically starts to not be anything or something. Simply letting the mind be as it is, it automatically doesn’t become something or anything.  When we don’t make anything of the mind, then it doesn’t become anything. Mind just simply being automatically doesn’t become anything.

These are some of the practices that we’re going to get into and see if we can actually experience the mind not as anything.

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Resource Includes

  • 1 Lesson

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