Primordial Resilience

Primordial Resilience

· January 21, 2021

The Buddha liked to point out that if there is one thing that is certain, it is that any state of comfort and ease we experience will eventually change. Life has a way of eventually becoming, well, difficult. We often frame the difficult as something to be avoided, discarded or rejected. But in fact, our difficult experiences hold the key to our evolution.

In this weekend retreat, we will explore the dharma of the difficult, how we can train our mind and heart to bow but not break when things do not go as planned. We will discuss the concept of resilience (including some the burgeoning science of resilience) and how some practices of meditation can help us nurture it.

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Resource Includes

  • 2 Lessons

Manifesting Our Mandala

A Fundraiser for Our Flourishing Refuge. Each Donation Fulfills Our Mandala