Dharma Dialogue Series – 2021

A Year-Long Series of Conversations with Women in Buddhism 

sponsored by Natural Dharma Fellowship

Beginning with the first female disciples of the Buddha, women have shaped the trajectory of Buddhism, sometimes overtly as the founders of lineages, and sometimes quietly from the fringes of the tradition. Many of their writings and practices survive and thrive. This history of influence and inspiration continues to this day as Buddhism spreads to the West, even while many women still struggle with the vestiges of patriarchy within the tradition.

Important Program Notes


You may register at any point during this year-long series.
You only need to register once for the entire series.
You will have access to the recordings of all of the conversations,
past and upcoming, through your user account (see “create a user account”).

Our Esteemed Guests

Join us for a series of monthly conversations exploring women, gender,
patriarchy, and Buddhism with leading voices on these topics in the West.
The Dharma Dialogues:
Women in Buddhism
A Year-Long Series
April 25, 2021
Pema Khandro
with Lama Willa Miller
July 25, 2021
Roshi Grace Schireson
with Lama Willa Miller
October 31, 2021
Vimalasara Mason-John
with Lama Liz Monson
February 21, 2021
Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo
with Lama Willa Miller
May 23, 2021
Jan Surrey
with Lama Willa Miller
August 22, 2021
Lama Palden
with Lama Willa Miller
November 14, 2021
Holly Gayley
with Lama Willa Miller
March 28, 2021
Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel
with Lama Liz Monson
June 13, 2021
Lama Tsultrim Allione
with Lama Willa Miller
September 26, 2021
Anne C. Klein (Lama Rigzin)
with Lama Willa Miller
December 19, 2021
Lama Rod Owens
with Lama Willa Miller

Program Info

One Sunday each month
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Eastern Time

Please use this time-zone converter to determine the start time at your location.


  • Feb. 21
    Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo
  • Mar 28
    Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel
  • Apr 25
    Pema Khandro
  • May 23
    Jan Surrey
  • Jun 13
    Lama Tsutrim Allione
  • Jul 25
    Roshi Grace Shireson
  • Aug 22
    Lama Palden
  • Sep 26
    Anne Klein
  • Oct 31
    Vimalasara Mason-John
  • Nov 14
    Holly Gayley
  • Dec 19
    Lama Rod Owens


Click the "Register" button in the Important Program Notes section above.



You may register at any point during this year-long series but you only need to register once for the entire series. You will then have access to the recordings of all of the conversations, past and upcoming through your user account (see Create User Account below). 

If you have already registered for the series, you do not need to register again.

We hope you will take into account this precious opportunity to hear from so many amazing teachers when you decide the amount you will offer in payment.

PROGRAM COST It is Natural Dharma Fellowship’s aspiration that no one is turned away from our teachings and retreats because they are unable to pay the full cost.


In order to make our courses affordable for all who wish to attend, we are offering a three-level fee structure that takes into account people's differing financial circumstances:
  • Benefactor $380 – for those who can afford it, this fee level helps provide support for those with limited financial resources and assists with the care and maintenance of Wonderwell Mountain Refuge
  • Series Fee $300 – for those who can cover the basic cost of the series
  • Supported $220 – for those with limited financial resources or recent financial hardship
The amounts listed are suggestions. You may write in any amount that fits your financial situation. Any amount offered above the Course Fee level will be considered a tax-deductible donation and will be acknowledged as such.


In order to receive the valuable recordings and resources for this event, you will need to sign up for a user account on our website.  

To sign up for a user account, please visit the "Create an account" page on our website. This page contains all the tools and info needed to set up an account. Once you sign up, please be sure to check your user account before your registered event for any updated information.  You may contact with questions about your user account.

Resources will only be available in your user account.  Access to resources and materials for your event will be updated once a week.  Depending on when you sign up, it may be up to seven days before you have access.

Recordings and any additional resources - documents, Zoom links, links to other resources (when available) - will be posted in your user account.   Recordings will be available within 7-10 days after the event.

The Zoom link for all months will remain the same for the entire series (Feb-Dec 2021).  Keep an eye out for a Confirmation Email when you sign up for the series. The Zoom link will be provided in this email and will also be posted in your user account on the Zoom Link.  

Please be sure to save your confirmation email in a safe place so you can refer back to this information.  


Natural Dharma Fellowship offers a full complement of events throughout the year.  View the full calendar here.

Wonderwell Mountain Refuge, our meditation and retreat center, has reopened for some retreats in a "hybrid" format.  Please check the schedule for retreats being held in person.  Please also check our COVID policy page for the latest updates to our protocols when visiting Wonderwell. 

Our Interviewers

We are pleased to introduce our founding teachers & co-directors who will be hosting the interviews with our guests.

Founding Teacher, Spiritual Co-Director


Willa B. Miller, Ph.D. is the Founder and Spiritual Director of Natural Dharma Fellowship in Boston, MA, and its retreat center Wonderwell Mountain Refuge in Springfield, NH.

She was authorized as a dharma teacher and lineage holder in the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism after twelve years of monastic training and two consecutive three-year retreats. She has also practiced in the Shangpa and Nyingma lineages.

She is editor, author, and translator (respectively) of three books: The Arts of Contemplative Care: Pioneering Voices in Buddhist Chaplaincy and Pastoral Work (2012), Everyday Dharma: Seven Weeks to Finding the Buddha in You (2009), and Essence of Ambrosia (2005).

Her articles and translations have appeared in Lion’s RoarBuddhadharma, the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, the Tibet Journal, and other periodicals.

In 2013, Willa completed a doctorate at Harvard University and was a Visiting Lecturer in Buddhist Ministry from 2013 to 2017. At present, Willa writes, teaches, guides meditation retreats, and develops curriculum for lay Buddhists interested in cultivating a deep meditation practice in daily life. Her teaching interests include embodied mindfulness, non-dual awareness, and compassion.

Managing Teacher, Spiritual Co-Director 


Elizabeth Monson, PhD, is the Spiritual Co-Director of Natural Dharma Fellowship and the Managing Teacher at Wonderwell Mountain Refuge. 

Liz was authorized as a dharma teacher and lineage holder in the Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism and has been studying, practicing and teaching Tibetan Buddhism in the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages for over thirty years. She has also practiced in the Vipassana Tradition of S.N. Goenke.

She is the author and translator (respectively) of two books: More Than a Madman: A Translation of the Autobiography of Drukpa Kunley (2013) and Tales of a Mad Yogi: The Life and Wild Wisdom of Drukpa Kunley (Upcoming from Snowlion Publications in 2021). She is currently writing a book on Tantra for Shambhala Publications.

Liz’s articles have appeared in Lion’s Roar, Buddhadharma, the Journal of International Association of Buddhist Studies, and others.

In 2015, Liz completed a doctorate in the Study of Religion from Harvard University with foci in Buddhist Studies, Tibetan Buddhism, and ethics. She has lectured at the Harvard Divinity School.

At present, Liz teaches, guides meditation retreats, writes, and explores how to take the natural world as the guru. She is deeply interested in focusing her teaching on developing practical methods for incorporating the Buddhist teachings into this human life through the practices of kindness and compassion and on recognizing the natural state in every moment of our lives.

Manifesting Our Mandala

A Fundraiser for Our Flourishing Refuge. Each Donation Fulfills Our Mandala