Ecosattvas in the Anthropocene:
A year-long series of monthly conversations on Buddhist responses to climate change
sponsored by Natural Dharma Fellowship
A year-long series of monthly conversations on Buddhist responses to climate change
Anthropocene: /ˈanTHrapəˌsēn/ The geologic period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.
We live in unprecedented times; human activities have altered the climate and disrupted ecosystems, threatening life on Earth as we know it.
How shall we conduct ourselves within a changing climate and world? How do we listen deeply, and find our way from here? How might the dharma and the natural world serve as teachers and guides?
In 2022, the Dharma Dialogues will focus on these important questions. We have brought together some of the founding luminaries of the mindfulness-informed eco-activist movement for a year-long series of deep dialogues on these issues.
Join us for a series of monthly conversations about our experience of and engagement with the global ecological crisis from a Buddhist perspective.
Important Program Notes
You may register at any point during this year-long series.
Register once for the series and receive the recordings throughout the year
in your NDF User Account (when they become available).
*** See our Technical FAQ page for info on creating a user account. ***
Series Recordings
It's important to note that syncing of resources does not happen simultaneously with registration. Recordings are manually synced with your account every 10-14 days. Since we allow rolling registration for this series, depending on when you register, you may experience a slight delay in receiving any previous recordings.
Series Zoom Link
The Zoom link for all months will remain the same for the entire series (Jan-Dec 2022). Keep an eye out for a Confirmation Email when you sign up for the series.
The Zoom link will be provided in the confirmation email AND will also be posted in your user account on the Zoom Link. Please be sure to save your confirmation email in a safe place so you can refer back to this information.
If you have difficulty finding the Zoom link on the day of the event,